“Smoke gets in your eyes” from summer wildfires so frequently now. But worse, it gets into the lining of our lungs, our blood vessels, into our cells. Wildfire smoke inhalation affects all of us, but most vulnerable are children and people with respiratory illnesses...
Difficulty losing weight? Well, there are so many possible causes! I can suggest one that is little known: according to the US government this one thing is the number one pollutant in the human body and will put a quick halt to reaching your desired level of fitness...
Question: Do you recommend topical pain relievers? How do I choose from so many ointments and patches? Dr. Donna Rasplica, B.C. Reg. Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, loves how traditional herbal medicines and therapies can be matched to the individual. She...
by Donna Rasplica M.Sc., Dr. TCMHurricane Katrina slammed into the U.S. Gulf Coast on August 28, 2005, horrifically damaging the area – but that was only the first disaster. The next day in New Orleans the levees were overtopped and then broken by twelve-foot storm...
The common cold starts as Wind Cold in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), then changes to Wind Heat. If one can get rid of wind cold on the first day, then it will not progress to heat and the symptoms will be greatly reduced. If one catches a cold in the summer, it...
Edema is caused by retention of fluids that infiltrate the muscles and skin. It is marked by swelling of the face, head, eyelids, limbs, back or entire body. Factors that Contribute to Dampness (edema) Too much raw, cold, sweet mucus forming food such as raw fruits,...
I have a history of many accidents and damage to my spine, including cracked vertebrae and decreased space between them. More and more I was… read more >> “I think it saved me”
The difference was remarkable…
In December 2022 our Mother developed a serious Staph infection and very intense Delirium. We were not able to get the Delirium to improve until… read more >> “The difference was remarkable…”
I am writing to you to make you aware of my gratitude and thankfulness to Lynne Ozone! My husband is slowly recovering from the severe… read more >> “He is starting to live again”
I am enjoying the laser treatments on my jaw and the sensitivity in my tooth has diminished to almost no sensitivity.
Everybody is so friendly…
Always a pleasure from entering the office. Everybody is so friendly from the receptionists to other staff members. And always a pleasurable experience with Lynne.
In less than four years I underwent a 10 and 1/2 hour brain surgery, then unfortunately followed by two concussions from two motor vehicle accidents.… read more >> “Life is a gift”
My brain feels clearer
I keep exclaiming how different I feel. I feel like how I used to.. lighter, more energy, I WANT to do things. I’m sleeping better.… read more >> “My brain feels clearer”
Thank you Donna!
I have spent years with low energy – nothing that physicians could explain. After several tests and quick appointments where I was told there was… read more >> “Thank you Donna!”
I feel so much better…
Thank you, Donna, for your great work yesterday. I don’t know what you did, but I feel so much better than I have in weeks.… read more >> “I feel so much better…”
What a blessing
I have had many years of dealing with chronic nerve pain in my head, face, ear, and neck. The pain in my head would often… read more >> “What a blessing”